Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hymen Knowledge for teens

I read this on this website u can find it 
you can read here special guide for teens

Types of Hymens:
A Guide for Teens

Hymen: a thin membrane that surrounds the opening to a young woman's vagina. Hymens can come in different shapes. The most common hymen is shaped like a half moon. This shape allows menstrual blood to flow out of a girl's vagina.

Imperforate hymen: An imperforate hymen can be diagnosed at birth but sometimes the diagnosis isn't made until the teen years. An imperforate hymen is a thin membrane that completely covers the opening to a young girl's or young woman's vagina. Menstrual blood cannot flow out of the vagina. This usually causes the blood to back up into the vagina and the abdomen (belly) resulting in abdominal and/or back pain. Some teens may also have pain with bowel movements and difficulty passing urine.

The treatment for an imperforate hymen is minor surgery to remove the extra hymenal tissue and create a normal sized vaginal opening so that menstrual blood can flow out of the vagina.

Microperforate hymen: A microperforate hymen is a thin membrane that almost completely covers the opening to a young women's vagina. Some menstrual blood may be able to flow out of the vagina but the opening is very small. A teen with a microperforate hymen usually will not be able to get a tampon into her vagina and may not realize that she has a very tiny opening. If she is able to put a tampon into her vagina she may not be able to remove it when it becomes filled with blood. The treatment is minor surgery to remove the extra hymenal tissue making a normal sized opening for menstrual blood to flow out.

Septate hymen: A septate hymen is when the thin hymenal membrane has a band of extra tissue in the middle that causes two small vaginal openings instead of one. Teens with a septate hymen may have trouble getting a tampon in or trouble getting a tampon out. The treatment for a septate hymen is minor surgery to remove the extra band of tissue and create a normal sized vaginal opening.

  • Annular – in which the hymen forms a ring around the vaginal opening
  • Septate – in which the hymen has one or more bands extending across the opening (looks rather like a pig snout in the illustration below)
  • Cribriform – in which the hymen stretches completely across the vaginal opening, but looks shot full of holes.
  • Parous Introitus – which refers to the vaginal opening which has had a baby pass through it and consequently has nothing left of its hymen but a fleshy irregular outline decorating its perimeter.

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